Why Internal Self Care is More Than a Three Dollar Bath Bomb

Samantha Jones
Why Internal Self Care is More Than a Three Dollar Bath BombWhy Internal Self Care is More Than a Three Dollar Bath Bomb

Samantha Jones is a powerhouse of strength and creativity, fueling her passion for empowering others through her business and life transformation company called Cre8Wise Movement.

As a loving wife and nurturing mother, Samantha's dedication extends beyond her family, as she also leads a charitable organization. Through this organization, Samantha helps underserved women find independence by providing them with job readiness skills.

With a heart full of love and a mind focused on transformation, Samantha embraces cooking, hiking, and the beauty of mountains as sources of inspiration. Above all, she cherishes the precious moments spent with her cherished family and loyal four-legged companion.

Welcome to The Story Project, an engaging video-driven podcast that centers on the captivating narratives of women who have committed their lives to dentistry. In a world hungry for genuine connections, we believe that real conversations are the key. Join us for an exclusive behind-the-scenes exploration where we unravel the stories that define you – why you chose dentistry, the triumphs and challenges of the industry, and the legacy you aspire to create.

We exclusively feature the inspiring stories of women leaders in dentistry, showcasing the depth and diversity of their experiences. Reach out to @joannafscott to connect and be a part of this empowering storytelling experience.

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